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An Immaculate Conception Mission

Cane Bay Catholic Community

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Dear Immaculate Conception Parishioners and Mission,

Greetings of peace and healing in Jesus Christ, be with you. Those are the words that the priest prays as he celebrates the Holy Mass, asking the Lord to send His divine healing and peace for his people, especially during these uncertain times of the pandemic. With God’s grace and blessings, I hope and pray that you and your loved ones are well. May be protected from this virus by doing the very best we can in adhering to the safety guidelines. Our Immaculate Conception Church and Mission have resumed in celebrating the weekday and Sunday Masses. We are using 50% of our worship space with proper distancing in the church and the Bishop continues to give a dispensation to the parishioners who are not yet comfortable in attending the Sunday worship. The live stream of Sunday 9:30 am and 5:00 pm (Spanish) Holy Masses are available on our Facebook page: Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church. The Church and its office continue to operate while observing the necessary safety guidelines so that we may administer the sacraments to the parishioners. With that being said, our parish and mission are dependent upon the Sunday offertory collections to continue its ministry and its ability to maintain our staff. We would be most grateful for your prayers and continued financial support of our Immaculate Conception Parish and Mission. I humbly ask you to please continue to send your Sunday offering by mail or visit us in the office. In addition our parish just launched its Online Giving. You can now access it through the online giving button on the MyParish App or visit our church website: and click the Online Giving. Your support throughout the year helps sustain our Church. Let our prayer of faith resound and may God’s healing and peace be with His people and the entire world. Yours in Christ,

Father Noly


                                              Important information about attending Mass


Please note that the YMCA staff disinfects all chairs, doors and restrooms after each Mass


  • Please note that the below Diocese guidelines are still in effect.

  • All worshippers are encouraged to bring and wear their mask  

  • Communion will be distributed in your hand only

  • Please do not return books. They are yours to bring to Mass.


Here are our safety procedures and restrictions with guidance from the Diocese as it relates to Mass at the YMCA.


  • Worshippers who are feeling ill or those with compromised immune systems should stay home or seek medical attention.

  • Worshippers and priests are strongly encouraged to wear mask.

  • Limit activities to the sacraments only.

  • No social gatherings before or after Mass, e.g. coffee and donuts…etc.

  • The Immaculate Conception  Mission at the YMCA will only allow 180 individuals to attend each Mass (Priests, deacons and the choir members included) since the Diocese limits the worship space to 25% of capacity. Our ICC church has 720 sitting capacity.

  • We will still follow the same guidelines and restrictions especially the arranging of chairs and the implementation of six feet distance.

  • No procession of the offertory gifts of bread and wine. It will be already be stationed in the sanctuary.

  • The sharing of the Sign of Peace between the faithful is to be omitted.

  • A basket will be placed in the sanctuary for worshippers to bring their offertory gifts; for the overflow space a basket will also be provided by the ushers.

  • We strongly recommend that Holy Communion be received in the hand.

  • Communion under the Precious Blood will not to be offered at this time.

  • Worshippers are to come up in single file for communion and offertory, following and stepping on the blue arrows, indicating the six feet distance from each other.




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